Random Acts of Kindness Day

Spread the Love: Random Acts of Kindness Day!

February 17, 2022 • General Interest

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day! A time to recognize the importance of being kind and spreading it into the world to help make a difference. It’s fantastic to have a day dedicated to thinking of others, but we also believe that we should do our best to be kind all the time!  

Here are some online tools that can help encourage kindness today, and every day! 

BeKind: Acts of Kindness Ideas 

BeKind is a great app for people of all ages! It offers simple, daily acts of kindness suggestions that are easy and fun for everyone. It also helps build the habit of being kind, so that you can bring joy into people’s lives every single day. Within the app, you can add your friends and family, to connect with peers who believe in the importance of spreading joy around the world. You are sure to be inspired from the stories around the globe, encouraging you to stay motivated in your kindness journey! 


With Nobly, you can create and interact with acts of kindness. As their motto states, “See how far one good deed can go, with Nobly,” you can see firsthand how one deed can make significant change, while connecting with people who share the goal of doing good. You can contribute your own acts of kindness and will receive updates when someone follows you, is inspired by your kindness, makes a comment, or simply wants to share in the experience.  


NiceBot has one mission, “I want to make the world a nicer place, one tweet at a time.” A Twitter bot that spreads positivity? We love it!  

With a lot of different voices on social media, NiceBot seeks to change negativity on the Internet. In collaboration with Champions Against Bullying and the New York based advertising agency Deutsch, NiceBot sends out a random, positive tweet to a Twitter user every 30 seconds! So, keep checking your notifications; maybe NiceBot will make your day! 


ReThink is fantastic for families with pre-teens or teens in the home. ReThink seeks to end online hate before it begins. Their website describes the technology as non-intrusive software that detects and stops cyberbullying before the damage is done. When someone tries to post offensive material, ReThink detects the content and provides a nudge to revise before posting. This allows the individual to pause, review and rethink their decision on whether to post their comment. Research has shown that when adolescents are alerted to rethink, they will change their minds 93% of the time. And we think that is amazing! 

How can you spread kindness today, and in the days to come? If you participate in Random Acts of Kindness Day, we would love to see it! Tag us on Instagram or Facebook and let’s spread some cheer… the world could certainly use more of it. 

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